Para hacer preguntas en presente simple con verbos diferentes a to be, empezamos la pregunta con el auxiliar do (para I, you, we y they) o does (para she, he y it):

En las preguntas, el auxiliar do o does siempre va al principio de la frase, antes del sujeto. Recuerda: does se usa para he, she y it:

Con las preguntas pasa lo mismo que con las negaciones: con he, she y it el verbo principal no lleva s, y has se convierte en have; por ejemplo: Does she take...?, Does he have..?, etc.


Does she read the newspaper every day? (¿Ella lee el periódico cada día?)
Do we come to school by bus? (¿Nosotros vamos a la escuela en autobús?)
Do you work very hard? (¿Tú trabajas muy duro?)
Does she like to sit  in the sun? (¿A ella le gusta sentarse en el sol?)
Do we play in the park every day? (¿Nosotros jugamos en el parque cada día?)
Does he watch his son in the park? (¿Él observa a su hijo en el parque?)
Do we always try to arrive on time? (¿Nosotros siempre tratamos de llegar a tiempo?)
Does he always walk to school? (¿Él siempre camina para ir a la escuela?)
Does she work for your uncle? (¿Ella trabaja para tu tío?)
Does the dog chase the cat all around the house? (¿El perro persigue al gato por toda la casa?)


To ask questions in simple present with verbs different to be, we start the question with the auxiliary do (for I, you, we and they) or does (for she, he and it):

In the questions, the auxiliary do or does always go to the beginning of the sentence, before the subject. Remember: it is used for he, she and it:

With the questions the same thing happens as with the negations: with he, she and it the main verb does not take s, and you have become have; for example: Does she take ...?, Does he have ..?, etc.


Does she read the newspaper every day? (Does she read the newspaper every day?)

Do we come to school by bus? (Do we go to school by bus?)

Do you work very hard? (You work very hard?)

Does she like to sit in the sun? (Does she like to sit in the sun?)

Do we play in the park every day? (Do we play in the park every day?)

Does he watch his son in the park? (Does he watch his son in the park?)

Do we always try to arrive on time? (Do we always try to arrive on time?)

Does he always walk to school? (Does he always walk to go to school?)

Does she work for your uncle? (She works for your uncle?)

Does the dog chase the cat all around the house? (Does the dog chase the cat all over the house?)


Las oraciones negativas en presente simple (simple present tense) se forman escribiendo do not o does not antes del verbo, en este caso do y does funcionan como verbo auxiliar. Does se escribe las terceras personas del singular He, She, It; y do para el resto. Es importante que cuando se escriben oraciones negativas para las terceras personas se debe eliminar la s o es al final del verbo, y escribirlo en su forma simple. Las contracciones don’t (do not) y doesn’t (does not) son comúnmente utilizadas.

I do not work (Yo no trabajo)
You do not work (Tú no trabajas)
He does not work (Él no trabaja)
She does not work (Ella no trabaja)
It does not work (Eso no trabaja)
We do not work (Nosotros no trabajamos)
You do not work (Ustedes no trabajan)

They do not work (Ellos no trabajan)


The negative sentences in simple present (tense present) are formed by writing do not or does not before the verb, in this case do and do function as an auxiliary verb. Does the third persons of the singular He, She, It; and do for the rest. It is important that when negative sentences are written for third parties, the sentence must be eliminated at the end of the verb, and written in its simple form. The contractions do not (do not) and does not (does not) are commonly used.

I do not work (I do not work)

You do not work (You do not work)

He does not work (He does not work)

She does not work (She does not work)

It does not work (That does not work)

We do not work (We do not work)

You do not work (You do not work)

They do not work (They do not work)

Utilizamos el presente simple para describir cosas que hacemos de forma habitual. Si dices I run (Yo corro) estás expresando que corres de forma habitual, no que estás corriendo en esos momentos. El verbo en presente simple queda igual para I, you y they: I study (Yo estudio), You study (Tú estudias, Vosotros estudiáis), They study (Ellos estudian). Algunas cosas a tener en cuenta:

1. Usamos el verbo principal (study, en este caso) en su forma básica sin to.

2. Para expresar hábitos, el presente simple suele ir acompañado de la frecuencia de la acción. Una buena forma de expresarlo es con every (cada, todo/s) seguido del indicador de tiempo: I study every day (Yo estudio todos los días).

• She works (Ella trabaja).
• He Works (El trabaja).
• It does (Eso hace).


We use the simple present to describe things we do on a regular basis. If you say I run, you are expressing that you are running normally, not that you are running at those times. The verb in simple present remains the same for I, you and they: I study (I study), You study (You study, You study), They study (They study). Some things to keep in mind:

1. We use the main verb (study, in this case) in its basic form without to.

2. To express habits, the simple present is usually accompanied by the frequency of the action. A good way to express it is with every (each, all / s) followed by the time indicator: I study every day (I study every day).

• She works (She works).

• He Works (He works).

• It does (That does).



Hello I am Guadalupe live in the plan of good view in San Salvador xiutetelco puebla, I'm 1.55, and I have a few eyes black and short eyelashes and black hair a little short, my body mass is 47kg, and then you will see some of my tastes and dislikes:

What I like

*I like reading
*I like listening to music
*I like to see Instagram
*I like watching movies
*I love playing videogames
*I enjoy being with my family

What I do not like

I do not like playing football
I do not like to exercise
I hate doing homework
I do not like exams
I do not like getting up early

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            SIMPLE PRESENT


  1. She reads the newspaper every day. (Ella lee el periódico cada día)
  2. We come to school by bus. (Nosotros vamos a la escuela en autobús)
  3. You work very hard. (Tú trabajas muy duro)
  4. She likes to sit  in the sun. (A ella le gusta sentarse en el sol)
  5. We play in the park every day. (Nosotros jugamos en el parque cada día)


  • She does not work (Ella no trabaja)
  • It does not work (Eso no trabaja)
  • We do not work (Nosotros no trabajamos)
  • You do not work (Ustedes no trabajan)
  • They do not work (Ellos no trabajan)


  1. Does she play the piano every afternoon? (¿Ella toca el piano cada tarde?)
  2. Does she kiss me every morning? (¿Ella me besa cada mañana?)
  3. Do you watch television every night? (¿Tú ves televisión todas las noches?)
  4. Does he carry the books in a briefcase? (¿Él lleva los libros en un maletín?)
  5. Does he enjoy his English class? (¿Él disfruta su clase de inglés?)

                               PRESENT CONTINUOUS


  • I am working (Yo estoy trabajando)
  • You are working (Tú estás trabajando)
  • He is working (Él está trabajando)
  • She is working (Ella está trabajando)
  • It is working (Eso está trabajando)


  1. He is not speaking German. (Él no está hablando alemán)
  2. The plane is not leaving the airport. (El avión no está saliendo del aeropuerto)
  3. He is not playing in the park. (Él no está jugando en el parque)
  4. They are not selling books there. (Ellos no están vendiendo libros allí)
  5. They are not playing chess. (Ellos no están jugando ajedrez)
  6. The boy is not crying because his toy is broken. (El niño no está llorando porque su juguete está roto)

  • Am I working…? (¿Yo estoy trabajando?)
  • Are you working…? (¿Tú estás trabajando?)
  • Is he working…? (¿Él está trabajando?)
  • Is she working…? (¿Ella está trabajando?)
  • Is it working…? (¿Eso está trabajando?)


Resultado de imagen para emojis con su nombre en ingles y español

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